Study Outlines Benefits of Chiropractic Wellness Care

Research published online July 26, 2021, ahead of print release in the The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, studied the role of chiropractic care in providing health promotion and clinical preventive services for adult patients with musculoskeletal pain. The authors objective was to develop evidence-based recommendations on best practices for delivery of clinical preventive services by chiropractors and to offer practical resources to empower provider applications in practice.

After a synthesis of literature on the topic and systematic reviews, a multidisciplinary steering committee drafted recommendations which were then rated by a 65-member Delphi panel of experienced practitioners and faculty using the formal consensus methodology established by the RAND Corporation/University of California.
The result was a high-level of consensus on appropriate application of clinical preventive services for screening and health promotion counseling within the chiropractic scope of practice. Interprofessional collaboration for the successful delivery of clinical preventive services was emphasized. Recommendations were made on primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary prevention of musculoskeletal pain.
The authors concluded that application of this guideline in chiropractic practice may facilitate consistent and appropriate use of screening and preventive services and foster interprofessional collaboration to promote clinical preventive services and contribute to improved public health.