Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners

The Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners was created in 1923 by an act of the State Legislature. Its mission is to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of Tennesseans by requiring those who practice the profession of chiropractic or chiropractic x-ray technology within this state be qualified. The Board interprets the laws, rules, and regulations to determine the appropriate standards of practice in an effort to ensure the highest degree of professional conduct. The Board is authorized to issue licenses to qualified candidates who have completed appropriate education and successfully completed required examinations. The Board is responsible for the investigation of alleged violations of the Practice Act and rules and is responsible for the discipline of licensees who are found guilty of such violations.

CE Broker - Online CE Tracking Site for TN Chiropractic Licensees

Track your official Tennessee CE records

The Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners (TBCE) has partnered with CE Broker as their official CE tracking system effective January 1, 2019.  CE Broker tracks your CE renewal requirements through their online system. This service will allow licensees to report, track, and confirm compliance for renewal with the Tennessee Department of Health.  Licensees under the TBCE may now go online and set up a user account on the new CE Broker website. Through this partnership you have access to a free Basic Account.

Additional information about this partnership between the Tennessee Board of Chiropractic Examiners and CE Broker can be found on the Board’s website at: https://www.tn.gov/health/health-program-areas/health-professional-boards/chiro-board/chiro-board/about.html

TCA Legislative Victory Ends Annual Professional Privilege Tax Requirement

Effective in 2020, thanks to the TCA’s persistent lobbying efforts, landmark legislation was passed in 2019 removing the annual $400 Professional Privilege Tax for chiropractic physicians and 14 other professions!

Prior to this legislative victory, chiropractic physicians were among the professions required under Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 67-4-1701, to pay an annual privilege tax for the privilege of holding an active Tennessee license or registration to practice certain professions. The tax was imposed on the privilege of holding an active license or registration, without regard to whether the profession is actually practiced in the State of Tennessee.

Background Checks Required to Provide Patient Care

Before any person who will be providing direct patient care is hired, for whom a background check has not been completed, health care facilities, emergency medical services, and individual health professionals are required by law to conduct background checks using the state sex offenders registry, the state abuse registry and the abuse registries for states in which the prospective employee has lived in the previous 7 years, according to Public Chapter 1084.

Click here for links to each of these registries.

Tennessee General Assembly

Under the Tennessee Constitution, legislative authority of the State is vested in the General Assembly, which consists of a Senate and a House of Representatives, both dependent on the people (that is, popularly elected). The name of the legislative authority may vary from state to state, but usually it is called the Legislature or the General Assembly. The official title in our state is the “General Assembly of the State of Tennessee,” but may also be properly referred to as the Legislature.

Tennessee Insurance Division

The Insurance Division is responsible for enforcing the state’s insurance laws and supervising more than 1,700 insurance companies and other entities licensed or otherwise authorized to do business in Tennessee

Filing Complaints - TN Dept. of Health, Office of Investigations

The state of Tennessee is graced with some of the finest health care professionals, educational institutions, postgraduate programs and treatment facilities in the United States. The majority of health practitioners in Tennessee are competent and caring individuals and most persons are satisfied with the level of care they receive.

However, when a problem is experienced with a practitioner, you have the right to report him/her. If you believe that a practitioner’s performance or behavior is not acceptable, you may file a complaint through Health Related Boards, Office of Investigations.

Filing a Complaint:
Office of Investigations
665 Mainstream Drive, 2nd Floor, Suite 201
Nashville, TN 37243