Click Here to JOIN the TCA!


Your TCA membership provides a solid foundation for your practice giving you access to information and resources in all the key areas you demand.  From critical updates on changes in the healthcare industry to a vast network of information on services and programs for your office, the open access the TCA offers will save you time and money.  Not to mention the access to patients provided via the “Find a Doctor” online directory.  You can also rest assured that the TCA works tirelessly to protect your patients access to chiropractic care.


At the TCA, we are dedicated to assisting our members in delivering the highest standard of healthcare and pride ourselves as being their one-stop source for information on business practices, insurance, marketing, licensee requirements, and much more!  The TCA has a devoted staff of professionals ready and eager to serve you.


The TCA is the only statewide membership service organization representing chiropractic in Tennessee. We believe protecting and promoting chiropractic is one of the most important functions of the TCA.  In conjunction with our  TCA Political Action Campaign contributors, our members’ grassroots efforts, and the work of our lobbyists, the TCA remains current with all issues affecting the profession and fosters relationships to ensure our members’ rights to practice and their patients’ right to care.


TCA membership offers a tremendous variety of educational programs in multiple formats designed to promote excellence in chiropractic.  Our Southern Chiropractic Conference, annual Spring Seminar and other regional events provide convenience to our members all across the great state of Tennessee.  In addition, we offer virtual and on-demand educational courses for those seeking online options.  In all of our formats, our programs are among the most informative and valuable available, bar none!


Staying current with the latest technological developments is only one way the TCA works toward the progress of chiropractic in Tennessee.  With each new healthcare trend and advent in chiropractic technique and treatment, the TCA sees opportunities for our members.  We continually strive to achieve the Association’s vision to advance chiropractic care as the first choice for healthcare for all Tennesseans.

Timely communications sent to you on critical issues via "Doctor Privilege"

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Doctor Privilege is your link to timely, trusted information on the topics that are important to you.  Specialized issues titled, Advocacy Inroads and Insurance Insights focus on these areas allowing members to quickly asses legislative, public relations and insurance issues at a glance.  Archived issues are accessible via digital format.

TCA Healthcare Coverage Benefit

The Tennessee Chiropractic Association, along with Insurance Planning and Service Company, LLC (IPSCO), is pleased to offer TCA members and their employees affordable, high-quality group health insurance coverage.  The coverage is guaranteed issue, with no health questions or pre-existing condition exclusions. There are four health plan options, as well as a stand-alone vision plan. The rates could provide your practice with substantial savings.

Click Here for Details

Subscription to TCA Journal publications

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An award-winning member benefit, the TCA Journal is your professional periodical offering you the latest on hot topics relating to your and your practice in Tennessee.  Other magazines have more ads than articles, but the TCA Journal is chock full of great pieces for information and enjoyment.  From clinical articles to stories on members in the news, this bi-annual, full color publication also serves as a go-to resource with insurance and legal updates, as well as practice management tips for your entire office.

TN Chiropractic Law Book – an invaluable tool for your practice

TN Chiro Law Book CoverFind answers to an array of common legal questions at your fingertips!  The Tennessee Chiropractic Law Book is a valuable resource provided FREE to all TCA members encompassing over 30 summaries of laws and regulations pertinent to your practice, along with related statute references, Attorney General opinions and other important documents as a support to you.

The hourly rate for an attorney to provide just one of these legal opinions and supporting documentation would be upwards of $400 or more! — Just another way the TCA saves YOU time and money!

As laws are ever-changing, continuous updates have been made since its first edition in 2011 with each new edition provided to our members FREE of charge.

TN Chiropractic Law Book Contents Include:

Accurate Information for Healthcare Providers • Acupuncture • Anti-Discrimination
Assignment of Benefits • Covenants not to Compete • Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
Medical Records • Prompt Payment of Claims • Recoupment • Registry Checks
Review of Adverse Decisions by Health Insurers • Scope of Practice • Spinal Manipulation
Successor Health Insurers • Workers Compensation • AND MORE!

Find A Doctor – 24/7 website referral service promoting all member physicians

TN mapWith over 500 members state-wide, there’s a chiropractor that’s right for you right around the corner. This feature allows you to search by name, by town, or even by distance you’re willing to travel.

Reduced rates on 150+ hours of quality educational seminars each year


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The TCA is proud to offer high-quality educational opportunities across the state for chiropractic members and their staff.  Members enjoy a discount on these seminars.  Gold level members receive 12 hours of CE each year for FREE!

We also feature TCA eLearning, a convenient online option allowing you to complete a portion of your education in the comfort of your home or office.

Free classified advertising in the TCA Journal and on

We are happy to provide TCA members with the opportunity to place their classified ad(s) of up to 50 words each on our website at no charge.

Savings with TCA Advantage Benefits

money walletTCA members can save by purchasing products and services through corporate partners participating in the TCA Member Advantage Program. Understanding what DCs need most, from website and online services to malpractice premiums, TCA works with a variety of chiropractic-related companies to create these valuable discounts!

Members click here to login and SAVE today!
Advantage Benefits are listed under Member Resources.

TCA Member Toolkits and Resources - unlimited access to information you need

assistanceOur members are only an email or phone call away from unlimited access to assistance from our friendly staff.  We provide practice support for office efficiency and go the extra mile to find answers to our members’ inquiries.

Doctors for Doctors Program – Access to equipment and assistance

hands for websiteThis program of doctors assisting doctors, available exclusively to members of the TCA, includes two unique services designed to provide assistance at the critical stages of your career.

TCA Topic Advisor Service provides short-term one-on-one help from another member who has specific knowledge, skills or experience.  Through this service, TCA members can receive personal, peer assistance with specific problems associated with their practices.

TCA Equipment Recycling  Service is available to TCA members in their first five years of practice and serves as a source of free, used, serviceable equipment.



Sponsor of Chiropractic Day on "the Hill" – connecting you and your legislators

135Each year on this day, representatives of our profession from all areas of Tennessee have the opportunity to join together to show our numbers on “the Hill”!  Chiropractic physicians, staff and other advocates take advantage of this opportunity to connect with your Tennessee legislators in person in support of matters that are important to the profession and the patients you serve.

Supporting staff through Chiropractic Assistants of Tennessee

CAT Logo ColorChiropractic Assistants of Tennessee promotes and provides educational programs to sustain and improve the profession of the Chiropractic Assistant, and to contribute to the advancement of the chiropractic profession.

Plus additional benefits including:

  • Webinars on topics from insurance to legislation to practice management
  • Insurance support and ongoing negotiations improving insurance relations in Tennessee
  • Practice support for office efficiency
  • Professional lobbyist team protecting Chiropractic in Tennessee
  • Voting privileges at annual membership meeting
  • Programs for support staff licensure and education
  • Uniting chiropractic physicians for an effective profession

Gold Membership
$1,500 annual fee
Additional benefits are one free 12-hour seminar of your choice per year and two complimentary CAT memberships.
Option for monthly auto bank drafts and credit cards available.

Regular Membership
$62.50 per month ($750.00 annually)
Option for monthly auto bank drafts and credit cards available.

New Licensee Membership
$100.00 1st year
$300.00 2nd year
$500.00 3rd year
Regular membership dues after the third year.

Retired / Non-Resident Membership
$100.00 annual fee
This membership is designed for the retired or out of state doctor.

Student Membership
$50.00 annual fee
This membership is designed for the chiropractic college student.

Join Now