Using a Lumbar Roll Can Help your Head and Neck Posture

Office Ergonomics is a popular trend and for good reason.  Workers sitting for long periods of time are more prone to experiencing back and neck pain.  However, with proper support and workstation set-up, this can be largely improved.  Use of a lumbar roll has been shown to help low back pain and has generally be “assumed” to have a positive effect on head and neck posture.   Researchers investigated this theory. 

Study participants were photographed in 4 seated positions with and then without a lumbar roll.  For 1 position, they adjusted the seat of the chair and for 2 positions, they adjusted the back rest.  They then measured the craniovertebral angle of the subjects in order to determine head and neck posture. 

They found that when the backrest of the chair was at 100° or 110° , there is a significant difference in the craniovertebral angle.  They concluded that the angle of the chair, coupled with the addition of a lumbar roll, are the 2 most important factors to alter in order to improve seated posture. 
