Ear Infection: A Retrospective Study Examining Improvement from Chiropractic Care and Analyzing Influencing Factors

iStock_000003405191_MediumFroehle RM J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1996 (Mar-Apr); 19 (3): 169-177

This was a study of forty-six children aged 5 years and under in a private practice in a Minneapolis suburb. All care was done by a single chiropractor, who adjusted the subluxations found and paid particular attention to the cervical vertebrae and occiput. Sacral Occipital Technique-style pelvic blocking and the doctor’s own modified applied kinesiology were also used. Typical care was three adjustments per week for one week, then two adjustments per week for one week, then one adjustment per week. Interestingly, children with a history of past antibiotic use was associated with a less favorable outcome. From the abstract: “93% of all episodes improved, 75% in 10 days or fewer and 43% with only one or two treatments. ” “Young age, no history of antibiotic use, initial episode (vs. recurrent) and designation of an episode as discomfort rather than ear infection were factors associated with improvement with the fewest treatments.” ” Improvement was based on parental decision (they stated that the child had no fever, no signs of ear pain, and was totally asymptomatic), and/or the child seemed to be asymptomatic to the treating DC and/or the parent stated that the child’s MD judged the child to be improved.”