Your Posture and Your Health

A vital priority in personal health, healthy posture supports proper balance for the body, alignment of the muscles, joints and ligaments, and is essential to the normal functioning of the nervous system. An ongoing concern as years go by, is that misalignments and postural patterns can progressively limit range of motion, increase discomfort and pain, and interfere with healthy function of the body on multiple levels. 

The Tennessee Chiropractic Association (TCA) joins with the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) to encourage people:

  • to consider their personal posture habits
  • to learn strategies and habits to avoid the varied problems related to poor posture
  • to enjoy the benefits of healthy alignment.

“Healthy posture is a day-by-day activity with a lifetime of rewards,” observes Dr. George S. Curry, President of the International Chiropractors Association (ICA). “It is vitally important to many aspects of our health to maintain a healthy body alignment, which affects the smooth operation of many body systems ranging from mobility to lung capacity to nerve transmission, which will compromise many interconnected facets of a person’s overall health.” Dr. Curry also noted that posture awareness and alignment affects people of all ages, and is an integral part of chiropractic; “Chiropractic care includes careful assessment of multiple factors, including bodily imbalances and life routines, and works to address and correct many important aspects of postural patterns, especially spinal alignment and lifestyle choices for improving health. The critical role that vertebral subluxation plays in posture and function is an integral part of chiropractic care.” 

There are multiple factors that play interconnecting roles in affecting our posture and our health.  “Along with important lifestyle changes to improve and support healthy posture coupled with special assessment and correction of spinal misalignments,” notes Dr. Curry, “the Doctor of Chiropractic provides important opportunities to educate individuals and their families on the importance of healthy posture and chiropractic’s role in supporting and maintaining a healthy spine and nervous system. Everything that is interrelated in health, from an overall feeling of good health and well-being, to top athletic performance and injury prevention, can be improved by improvements in a person’s postural alignment.”

 See your doctor of chiropractic to have your posture evaluated and learn more about taking care of your body for life.  Find a doctor near you at


Source: International Chiropractic Association article: International Chiropractors Association Brings Increased Awareness to Central Role Posture Plays with Health